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Jenna Jordan, BSc
Graduate Instructional Assistant, MSc Biology Student
University of North Carolina Greensboro
Greensboro, North Carolina • United States
Project Location & Description
Highlands Biological Station • Highlands, North Carolina • United States
Rodents, comprising 42% of mammalian species, communicate complex information through ultrasonic calls. Woodland Jumping Mice (Napaeozapus insignis), an elusive and nocturnal species, have been recently found to use vocal communication. Jenna’s project will investigate their vocalisations and behaviours using live-trapping (capture-mark-recapture) and remote sensing techniques (radio telemetry, acoustic recording, and thermal imaging) at three sites in the Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina. By capturing vocalisations and correlating them with specific behaviours, her study aims to characterize their calls, determine sex-dependent differences, and associate call types with behaviours such as courtship, aggression, and pup interactions. This research will aid conservation efforts and understanding of rodent evolution.
Researcher Bio
Jenna Jordan is pursuing an MSc in Biology at the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG) under the advisement of Dr. Malcolm Schug (UNCG Biology Department Head) and committee members Dr. Radmila Petric (Director of the Highlands Field Site and Assistant Professor at UNC) and Dr. Bryan McLean (Assistant Professor). Jenna’s general research interests lie in animal behaviour and conservation science of small mammals. She obtained her BSc in Biology from Muskingum University in New Concord, Ohio, under the advisement of Dr. Jim Dooley (Muskingum University Conservation Science Director) and Dr. Danny Ingold (Muskingum University Biology Department Chair).
Awarded: 5 Song Meter Mini Bat 2 (AA); 1 Ultrasonic Calibrator
Tomohiro Nakayama, BSc
MSc Student, Environmental Science
Arctic Research Centre, Hokkaido University
Sapporo, Hokkaido • Japan
Project Location & Description
Qaanaaq • Northwest Greenland • Denmark
The study of environmental noise holds significant information about surroundings but is often overlooked. While bioacoustics typically views noise as an interference masking biotic sounds, ambient noise offers insights into wind, water flow, and human activities. This noise is crucial for understanding environmental dynamics and their impact on animals. Nevertheless, most research focuses on discrete signals, neglecting environmental noise. Tomohiro's project will develop a high-resolution acoustic observation method to monitor glacial runoff. Given the accelerated melting of glaciers and the Greenland Ice Sheet's contribution to sea-level rise, passive acoustic monitoring could provide essential data on meltwater discharge without the challenges of in-situ observations. Tomohiro will present results to the Inuit community living in Qaanaaq, which is strongly affected by floods.
Researcher Bio
Tomohiro Nakayama is pursuing an MSc from the Graduate School of Environmental Science at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan. In 2024, he obtained his BSc from the Faculty of Agriculture. In 2024 and 2025, Tomohiro will conduct research at Hokkaido University’s Arctic Research Centre (ARC-HU) in Qaanaaq, Greenland. ARC-HU serves as a national hub for Arctic studies, working closely with such institutions as the National Institute of Polar Research and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology to promote the sustainable use and preservation of the Arctic.
Awarded: 2 Song Meter Mini 2 (AA); 2 Replacement Windscreens; 1 Kaleidoscope Pro License
Luke Foster, BSc
Groen Sebenza Intern
Nature Connect
Cape Town • Africa
Project Location & Description
Cape Floral Region Protected Areas • Cape Town • South Africa
Luke's study will investigate the importance of nature reserves in conserving bat diversity in Cape Town's urban fynbos biome. By acoustically surveying bat activity across protected areas, green spaces, and built-up areas, Luke aims to understand habitat preferences and evaluate the conservation value of various urban habitats. With limited data on Cape Town's bats, his project will provide crucial information on species presence and habitat use, leading to distribution maps for conservationists. Additionally, the study seeks to raise public awareness and engage the community in bat conservation through citizen science, making them an integral part of the solution. The outcome will be a comprehensive dataset supporting future research and conservation efforts.
Researcher Bio
Luke Foster holds a BSc honors degree in Environmental Management from the University of South Africa. He has worked on various species monitoring projects around South Africa. Luke understands the importance of species data and advocates for using modern technologies to gather data for conservation efforts. During his time with Nature Connect, he has been working to understand better how faunal species contribute to the immense biodiversity within the Cape Floristic Region. After volunteering on a project with Dwarf Mongooses, Luke developed an interest in bioacoustics as a method of understanding animals. He has since turned that keen interest to establishing bat distributions using acoustic monitoring.
Awarded: 2 Song Meter Mini 2 Bat (Li-ion); 2 Acoustic Stub Mics; 4 Li-ion Batteries; 4 Echo Meter Touch 2 Pro; 1 Kaleidoscope Pro License
Aadithi Gopalakrishnan, BTech
MSc Student, Wildlife Conservation Action
Institute of Environment Education and Research
Bharati Vidyapeeth University
Pune, Maharashtra • India
Project Location & Description
Chek Jawa Wetlands • Pulau Ubin • Singapore
Aadithi's project will shed light on factors affecting the distribution and vocal behaviour of the critically endangered Straw-Headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus zeylanicus). She and her team will use systematic sampling and passive acoustic recorders to capture bulbul vocalisations. Occupancy modeling will estimate the probability of the birds’ presence in various habitats, considering environmental and human factors. The main goal is to address the critical endangerment of the species, mainly due to the songbird trade. Pulau Ubin serves as a sanctuary for this species, but more information is needed about its distribution and the factors affecting its survival. By refining population estimates and uncovering key habitat relationships, Adithi aims to inform conservation strategies that mitigate threats like anthropogenic noise.
Researcher Bio
Aadithi Gopalakrishnan is a final-year MSc Wildlife Conservation Action student at BVIEER, Pune. Driven by an unwavering commitment to wildlife conservation, Aadithi holds a BTech in Electrical Engineering and blends engineering expertise with a profound appreciation for wildlife ecology. Her research focuses on the Straw-Headed Bulbul, using its distinctive vocalisations to predict distribution across the Singaporean island of Pulau Ubin. Importantly, her work aligns seamlessly with Singapore’s National Action Plan, contributing to a deeper understanding of species distribution within the country.
Awarded: 10 Song Meter Micro 2; 1 Kaleidoscope Pro License
Martin Senič, MSc
Research Assistant, PhD Candidate
Department of Biodiversity • University of Primorska
Koper • Slovenia
Project Location & Description
Parque Sesc Baía das Pedras • Poconé, Mato Grosso • Brazil
Cracids, the most threatened Neotropical birds, play a crucial ecological role as seed dispersers yet are understudied. Martin's project will address knowledge gaps in cracid life history and conservation using noninvasive methods like camera traps, passive acoustic monitoring, and direct observation in northeastern Pantanal, Brazil. His research focuses on five cracid species in this high-density region, including the Bare-faced Curassow, the Chestnut-bellied Guan, and the Red-throated Piping-Guan—all listed as Vulnerable. By combining bioacoustics data with camera traps, the project will improve cracid activity and behaviour monitoring. Martin will create a comprehensive inventory of cracid song recordings and enhance understanding of their presence and habitat use, supporting future research and conservation efforts.
Researcher Bio
Martin Senič is a research assistant in the Department of Biodiversity at the University of Primorska, where he is pursuing his PhD. He also works as a teaching assistant in various biology courses relating to vertebrates, terrestrial ecosystems, and conservation. Martin focuses on bird and amphibian projects, especially population and behavioural studies using camera trapping and capture-mark-recapture studies with software pattern recognition. In 2017, he began collaborating with the University of Mato Grosso in the Computational Bioacoustics Research Unit. While earning his MSc in Nature Conservation, he studied the natural history of the Bare-faced Curassow in the Brazilian Pantanal.
Awarded: 6 Song Meter Mini 2 (AA); 6 Acoustic Stub Mics; 6 Replacement Windscreens; 1 Kaleidoscope Pro License
Julianna Hoza, BS
PhD Candidate
Washington State University
Vancouver, WA | United States
Project Location & Description
Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest | WA | United States
The 19th-century North American fur trade caused a significant decline in the beaver population. This led to the loss of dams, which resulted in streams becoming fast-flowing, incised, and lacking complexity. To reverse this degradation, beaver dam analogs (BDAs) were constructed to mimic actual beaver dams. Although BDAs and natural beaver dams are similar hydrologically, it is unclear whether they provide quality habitat for pond-dependent wildlife, including bats. Studies have shown that beaver ponds have more bat species and greater bat foraging activity than undammed stream reaches. However, the potential of beaver facilitation for bat conservation through restoration has not yet been explored. This project will use bioacoustics to assess whether BDAs support greater bat occupancy or foraging activity than upstream, unrestored reference sites and actual beaver-dammed ponds in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest.
Researcher Bio
While completing her undergraduate degree, Julianna Hoza worked as a United States Forest Service wildlife technician for five seasons. During that time, she performed a variety of wildlife surveys that included acoustic monitoring for bats. Julianna first-authored two published research projects as an undergrad and decided to pursue a career in ecology research. She is a second-year PhD student at Washington State University, where her research focuses on evaluating the biotic effects of beaver-related restoration. In addition to beavers, study subjects include amphibians (which require upland and wetland habitats to complete their life cycle) and bats (which depend on emerging aquatic insects for food).
Awarded: (5) Song Meter Mini Bat 2 (AA)
Dr. Marko Ljubiša Nikolić, Ph.D.
President & Board Member
Biological Society "Dr. Sava Petrović" | Serbia
Project Location & Description
Lazarev kanjon | Kučaj Mountains | Serbia
Lazarev kanjon, a protected Natural Monument located on the eastern edge of the Kučaj Mountains, represents the deepest, longest, most impassable, and best-preserved canyon in Eastern Serbia. It is characterized by exceptional floristic, faunistic, and landscape diversity. While preliminary research indicates that the wider area is an important nesting ground for rare owl species, a lack of data on these species within Lazarev kanjon can lead to inadequately planned logging, thereby threatening habitat loss and destruction. This project aims to collect data on the presence and nesting habits of protected owl species, such as the Ural owl and the Eurasian eagle-owl, to modify existing management plans and designate important nesting areas as high-priority conservation zones.
Researcher Bio
Dr. Marko Nikolić holds a PhD in Biology from the Faculty of Science at the University of Niš. He has extensive experience managing monitoring programs in protected areas, having participated in over 30 national and international projects and coordinated 18 projects in ornithology, nature conservation, education, and science popularization. He has authored nine ornithological studies and edited two studies on the biodiversity of protected areas. Currently, Dr. Nikolić is the head of the Biological Society "Dr. Sava Petrović," and leads fauna monitoring programs in protected areas. He is also engaged as an ornithologist in the project for wetland restoration as a system for preserving wildlife in the Danube Basin.
Awarded: (7) Song Meter Mini 2 (AA); (1) Kaleidoscope Pro License
Dr. Christopher Pocknee, PhD, BSc
Landscape & Biodiversity Conservation Ecologist
Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance, Inc.
Kyneton, VIC | Australia
Project Location & Description
Central Goldfields Region | Victoria | Australia
The vast majority of Box-Ironbark forests across the Central Goldfields region of Australia are severely degraded due to timber harvesting and gold mining. Many of these landscapes are now dominated by dense, single-age Eucalyptus regrowth, with minimal ground cover or midstory vegetation, and have lost much of their ability to retain water. At a Box-Ironbark forest near Heathcote, we have carried out strategic ecological thinning, contour ripping, gully ponding, direct seeding of native grasses, and planting of native semi-aquatic plants around ponds. To assess the efficacy of their actions, we will monitor bioacoustics and other ecological indicators within a treatment micro-catchment and a control micro-catchment. Passive acoustic monitoring will be used to survey nocturnal birds, bats, and frogs. If proven successful, our ecological restoration techniques could guide future actions at degraded Box-Ironbark forests in Central Victoria.
Researcher Bio
Chris is a Landscape and Biodiversity Conservation Ecologist with Biolinks Alliance, where he leads the Glideways in Central Victoria program and has played a key role in establishing and delivering ecological monitoring programs to measure the impact of projects across Central Victoria. He has significant conservation ecology experience across various ecosystems and ecological communities, completing a PhD (University of Queensland), an MSc (University of Melbourne), and an internship with the Australian Wildlife Conservancy. The primary focus of his work is conserving native Australian fauna and finding solutions to the threats facing many of these species. Chris has experience working with species ranging from tree-kangaroos in the north Queensland rainforest to small reptiles in semi-arid New South Wales.
Awarded: (4) Song Meter Mini Bat 2 (AA); Accessories; (1) Kaleidoscope Pro License
Charley Marlow Vance, MSc
Principal Investigator
Florida Gulf Coast University
Fort Myers, FL | United States
Project Location & Description
Picayune Strand State Forest | FL | United States
South Florida faces several significant environmental threats, including climate change, wildfires, invasions of exotic species, and human disturbance. The Picayune Strand Restoration Project (PSRP) is an ecological restoration area located at the northwestern boundary of the Florida Everglades. It is home to several species, such as snail kites, mangrove crabs, and endangered Florida bonneted bats. As a part of regular natural succession management, select areas of the PSRP will undergo controlled burns this summer. However, it is unclear how ecological communities within a landscape undergoing restoration respond to and recover from prescribed burns or wildfires in South Florida. To investigate ecosystem resilience within the PSRP (and provide a model for communities worldwide), this project will use bioacoustics to assess PSRP biodiversity before and after fire occurs and compare it with reference sites.
Researcher Bio
Charley Vance is a graduate student specializing in landscape ecology at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU). His interests include disturbance ecology, ecosystem restoration, community dynamics, and ecoacoustics. Charley has a strong background in scientific fieldwork and experimental design. His career has been shaped through investigations of major ecosystem disturbances such as Deepwater Horizon; Hurricanes Ian, Ike, and Irma; and West Florida red-tide events. He aims to promote the conservation of natural areas and the biosphere’s resilience to anthropogenically induced climate-change effects. Currently, he is building an FGCU program that focuses on the resilience of restored habitats, using bioacoustics as a continuous, real-time data set.
Awarded: (3) Song Meter Mini 2 (AA); (3) Song Meter Mini Bat 2 (AA); (3) Song Meter Micro 2; (1) Kaleidoscope Pro License
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Rydalmere NSW 2116
Australia: (02) 8005 5343
International: +61 2 8005 5343